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Inca Medicine School

From The Apaza Family Lineage

We are a family of Andean “Paqos” or in western world best known as “shamans” or healers, descendant from a lineage of wise elder paqos, we created the first original Inca Medicine School in Cusco Peru region. We are Guardians of the cosmic order in Pachamama or Earth, nature priests that preserve life “KAUSAY”, masters that work together with the “Apus” sacred mountains and wa´kas in Peru, and sacred spirits from the Cosmos, living a life based on the wisdom of love and respect to nature.

We are a family of Masters Paqo’s belonging to the “Chumpi Paqo” lineage from Quico community, one of the communities of Qeros Nation located in Paucartambo Province in Cusco region at 4800 masl. We belong to the last Inca Ayllu (group of families) nearby the Inca Paititi entrance, the doors of the lost city of the Incas in the Amazon jungle.

Our ancestor’s developed healing techniques and ceremonies through their communication with nature and the spiritual worlds to maintain a balance between the three levels of the world, known as “Ukju Pacha” or inner world, “Kay Pacha” or middle world, and “Hanaq or Hanan Pacha” higher world. We continue to uphold, honor and practice these ancient traditions with integrity and respect.

We are driven by prophecies of our ancestors to maintain the balance between these three worlds and to share and teach our ancient wisdom with humanity. Our work is driven by the philosophy of living in balance and “Ayni”, the Quechua word for sacred reciprocity with nature and all what is around us. 

We specialize in ‘chumpis’ (which are sacred spirits from nature that help us with their powers), and Chakaruna (rainbow people) wisdom, we have a special connection with the Rainbow that for us is a bridge “Chaka” togueter with the 7 Ñustas, 7 Sisters that the ancestors from the Apaza Family connected in a special waterfall in Qeros.

Along with rituals for offering initiations Karpays, transmissions, and empowerments, which include the sacred powers of the Condor (tayta Mallku), Hummingbird (Qente), Puma, and Serpent (Machajway), as well as the Rainbow energy (Kuichi), Pleiades (Mama Qoto), Nusta Karpay and so on).

Our rituals are performed through Inca Ceremonies such as the fire ceremony, four elements holistic healing ceremony, wedding ceremony, mother earth/Pachamama offering ceremony, and others). We offer LIVE workshops through online videocalls to share our wisdom of healing rituals, which include learning healing techniques as Seven Ñustas healing, Chumpis stones healings, Pleiades Healing, or the most complete group of rituals that come in the Paqo Path as cleansing ceremonies, Soul retrieval, and Coca leaf reading to know the reason of the problem.

We offer transformational journeys twice per year, here in Sacred Valley and Cusco Apu Mountains, to connect, awaken and celebrate the Wa´kas (Sacred divine beings that can be in a natural space or in Incas temples Wa´kawasi (ceremonial temple) in order to preserve and restore the cosmic balance.

We offer Karpays or initiations as our ancestors did in the past, only the initiate in isolation in the Apus mountains to become a true Paqo/Shaman through sacred Initiations in three levels of energies Munay (love), Yachay (wisdom), and Llankay (blessings to work).

Our Inca Medicine School works in Community, practicing Ayni (exchange), helping financially or with conferences to improve cultural identity to different families in Quico Grande, Quico Chico, inside the Qeros Nation. In Alto Qosqo, a little mountain south of Cusco city where many members from the Apaza Family live now, and in South of Cusco city where our team is from.

We are proud to be the first spiritual Inca Medicine School in Cusco – Peru, directed and developed only by natives all originally from the Cusco Peru region. It is not led or conducted by any NGO or any foreign group. When you request a ceremony, workshop, textile, you are helping the local economy of Cusco native workers families.

Our Offerings

Divided into FIVE categories

  1. INCA CEREMONIES (Open to everybody): Rituals for enhancing and harmonizing our relationship with the natural world. To show our gratitude to the universe: seeking guidance, to support major life transitions, to manifest abundance or success with a new venture, or before undertaking an important task, for healing with the different Inca techniques, for cleansing, for soul retrieval, or relief from spiritual unrest manifested in mental, emotional or physical symptoms.
  2. INITIATIONS or TRANSMISSIONS (Open to everybody): A ritual that transfers the energy of the powerful spirits of nature, which for Andean Cosmovision hold specific powers, and blessings. These energies are constellations, stars, and animal spirits that the Andean Inca people, and even before Inca times, honored for helping and protecting Mother Earth and her inhabitants. These transmissions will allow you to receive the powers or properties from each sacred spirit, to use these powers to help your community, to build inner strength, health, abundance, and a better understanding of how to live in harmony with nature.
  3. SACRED JOURNEYS (Open to everybody): Journeys with Paqo Masters Pampamesayoq to the most sacred sites in the hometown of maestros in Qeros, the Sacred Valley of Cusco, Sacred Apus, Puno (Titicaca Lake), and Bolivia (Tiahuanaco). Maestros will teach how to connect with the sacred places with millenary energies, honoring them through offerings. Include cleansing and blessing ceremonies, optional transmissions in the sacred temples, and in depth teachings about Andean spirituality, archeology, and history.
  4. ONLINE WORKSHOPS (Open to everybody): Numerous workshops share the Andean Inca Philosophy from Paqos Qero perspective which include The Paqo Path or Andean shaman Path, where you will learn how to recieve, and take care of your Mesa (in quechua original name for Mesa is Q’epe), giving offerings, rituals for healings and cleansing, connecting with the sacred spirits such as 4 directions, the sacred animals, the sacred Apu mountains, the Ñustas, the Moon, the Sun, Pleiades, etc.. We offer other healing techniques, as master Don Alejandro’s specialty The chumpis Stones Mesa Healing Technique, or The Seven Ñustas healing technique, and others. If you come to visit us, you can also learn how to weave a little sacred cord intihuatana, as well as play Andean instruments,.
  5. AUTHENTIC PAQO EDUCATION + INITIATIONS “KARPAYS” (Enrollment based on coca leaf reading): To walk the path of “Inca Paqo” also call it “Camino Inca” is part of a process that requires a very strong engagement, patience, and integrity. Maestros will give each Initiation/Karpay Not in a group, but individually as our ancestors did. If you feel called on this path and would like to learn more from the Inca Paqo Path click here.

Energy Medicine

Andean Paqos or Shaman healers believe, the issues in our lives such as the lack of energy or focus, anxiety, fears, relationship problems, or addiction, are all symptoms of imbalance created by the loss of our energy or soul, or by carrying too many heavy energies in us, and often a combination of them.

Energy loss and soul loss occur in reaction to some kind of trauma, which can either be physical, mental, or emotional, and are often characterized by the loss of physical energy, lack of mental focus, lack of interest in life, and by addictive patterns. Heavy energies in our bodies are an accumulation of stress, discussions, and exposure to negative situations.

In order to restore balance within the person, Paqos perform healing being intermediators, bridges “chakanas”, in between the sacred spirits of nature and the person. First, call to the spirits of nature to clear the interfering energetic systems and imprints from past traumas with a cleansing ceremony and then call the soul parts to restore the complete spiritual body.

By reconnecting with our innate wisdom intuition and guided by the natural sacred spirits, we can recover access to the natural sources of power, the main light that is the base for our connection with the divine.

Authentic Paqo shamans work interacting with the sacred spirits from nature and find healing keeping the harmony in the inner and outer body, togueter with all that is in the universe, we live based on natural rules we call them Andean principles that our ancestors learned contemplating and interacting with the sacred nature.

Our Inca Ancestors Prophecies

Based on our Ancestors Prophecies we are awakening and building again the reintegration of the sacred places points of energy in the world, teaching to our students how to recognize the sacred places in their area. We are now open and allowed to share and teach, to the rest of the world, the Ancient Inca wisdom with respect and ethics. 

The ancient Andean shamanic practices are for everybody with no restriction of origin or race, because we all are children from Pachamama. Our current era is calling for a change, an awakening to live in acceptance, trust, cooperation, uncondicional love, and in relationship of reciprocity with the Universe.

We would love for you to join us in this life journey to open the door to The New Era!

In the Inca Medicine School, we are following the instructions of the prophecies that our grandparents told us, “One day the Eagle from the North will join to the Condor of the South and they will fly together”. We are preparing for this to happen by sharing the Inca teachings.

We share the Inca rituals and the main principles of life – one of the most important of which is how to live a sacred, joyful life in balance with nature, our planet earth, and the Universe.

Once we understand our important position in the universe as bridges, restorers of the cosmic balance, and how the universe works, based on the cosmic order, then we begin with our personal healing while aligning with the sacred energies from this planet and the Universe. Our vision is to spread seeds of wisdom and change all around us and bring holistic healing for a collective future.


The Qero Nation are the last Incas, who have been in hiding for over 500 years from the Spanish conquerors, keeping and safeguarding their sacred Incan knowledge and prophecies.

These prophecies relate to the return of “Pachacuti”, a monumental time of change where order and harmony will be reestablished on earth, ending times of chaos and disorder. These prophecies are known throughout the Andes and now are coming true.


The Moon Temple House

The Moon Temple House is located in a special natural area full of energy next to the Temple of the Moon in the mountains of Cusco. This location is a peaceful place and perfect to share in group the lessons of The Paqo Path and our Workshops. In the rainy season, it is well protected from the rain.

Please note that the Inca Ceremonies and Transmissions do not include room and board at this location, but if you wish, you are more than welcome to stay and book a night in the Moon Temple house.

Pacchanta Home in Ausangate

If you are coming to receive your Karpay initiation from the Paqo Path, maestra Doña Mercedes and her kids will be your hosts at their home in the middle of the mountains in the rural Ausangate area, a homestay with an authentic andean experience in the family home from one member of the Apaza family, who will show you the most important Apu sacred mountains in the area, to meditate and receive their blessings.

Ayni Donation

 Following the Ayni principles of reciprocity to give and receive, the Apaza Family offers all their services with love and humility, accepting the basic amount that will cover school expenses, materials, website, and social media jobs, translators, (all of the participants local people natives from Cusco) and the Paqo shamans.

All donation prices are shown on their respective pages. These amounts will help to all the local team from Cusco including maestros to live a balanced life in order to keep sharing the Andean wisdom and working in the Pachacuteq movement the entrance of the new era.

Ayni means to exchange with love, a basic law that actually is known in modern science as the law of cause and effect. Every action has a reaction, every time you give (in Andean Inca perception) you will receive, as the law of karma explains. All good actions will bring good karma. When you give with love, you will receive with love too.

The members of our Inca Medicine School family kindly ask you to have a look at our community projects that are for the benefit of keeping the ancestral knowledge of the Qero Nation such as the higher communities that have been abandoned without guidance in integrating to the new technology era and many of them losing their tradition and customs.

The mission of our school and association is to help them have a quality life that allows them to continue on their path of living in harmony with our sacred nature.

If you would love to give a donation please click the DONATE button below.


Make a charitable donation to the last descendants of the Inca communities in need.

For more information, click here

Student and Patient Reviews

“I want to eternally thank my Master Justino for having the patience, the affection and the love for my difficulties. I am counting the time to return to the mountain and continue my journey of initiation within the Andean traditions and Inca Medicine School. All this experience will be told shortly in a book I am writing that will be called RECONNECTION. Gratitude…”

Dimas Klotz – Brazil


“Lots of thanks for your wonderful teachings!! Gracias por todo amigos!! He aprendido tanto en estos 3 meses con ustedes!! Gracias!! Thank you for helping my shamanic development and really taking the time to make sure I understood and teaching me with such humility and unconditional love!!! Never felt so welcomed in my life by someone I nearly know!! Cusco is a wonderful place and your family and teachings are pressures!!

Thanks to Inca Medicine School for teaching us the unique ways of your lineage!! So now I may teach my future children to make a better place for the future! See you soon for the third Awakening I’m looking forward to it!! Much love!!! I’ve had a few teachers in this journey and you guys really taught me the meaning of kind hearted humility. I hope one day I’m as peaceful kind and knowledgeable as you!!”

Vanessa Sequeira – Australia


“This is truly one of the best schools I have found. The school is so well organized and the teachings are so pure and authentic. I am so grateful to have found them and to learn this ancient path the correct way. I had met other teachers in the past, but many change the original teachings. This school has kept true to the ancestors.

Thank you don Alejandro and the Apaza family for your sincerity. And one more thing…it is wonderful that they have Bety as an excellent translator into English.”  

Rita – USA

For more reviews click here