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Coca Leaf Benefits

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The Incas revered this significant plant as sacred, and today, a substantial portion of the Peruvian population continues to consume it. Travelers who have recently arrived in Cusco are also advised to partake in it.

Coca Leaves

Despite coca often being associated with illicit cocaine use, the coca leaf itself has a number of benefits traditionally recognized by the communities.

For centuries, natives of the Andean region have chewed the coca leaf and brewed it into tea, finding it harmless and beneficial to human health.

Coca leaves come from a type of shrub that can reach a height of up to 2.5 meters.

Their elliptical leaves measure between 5 to 7 centimeters and play integral roles in rituals of gratitude to the earth, river purification ceremonies, the Inti Raymi festival, and many other activities dedicated to honoring nature.

In Peru, some hotels and tourist restaurants offer coca leaves in small baskets placed in the center of a table or in the waiting room.

Explore more about this wonderful and flavorful leaf!

Coca Leaf Chewing

Approximately 4 million people in Bolivia, Peru, and northern Argentina practice the deeply ingrained tradition of chewing coca leaves. Historically, certain groups in Ecuador and Colombia also used coca leaves.

In the Andean highlands, people accept coca chewing as culturally as cigarette smoking or coffee drinking is accepted elsewhere. However, in societies with social stratification and upward mobility, coca chewing often carries a social and racial stigma.

Unlike other psychoactive substances, people do not chew coca leaves for hedonistic pleasure. Instead, they practice it within a utilitarian and spiritual context, as noted by many writers over the years.

To consume the coca leaves ideally, take a certain amount and gently chew them to gradually release their nutrients.

Begin with a salute: select three of the finest leaves, cluster them together, and with both hands, raise them to your lips and blow on them three times.

This act, known as Kintu, is a gesture of gratitude to the sun and other Andean gods, such as the mountains and rivers.

The traditional method of chewing coca leaves, called pikchar, involves keeping a saliva soaked ball of leaves in the mouth along with an alkaline substance that helps extract the beneficial compounds from the leaves.

People widely consume coca tea, even beyond the Andean Amazon region.

Nutricional and Medical properties

Traditional Andean medicine uses coca leaves to treat various health problems. These leaves act as a central nervous system stimulant, potentially relieving headaches, muscle aches, and stomach pains. Coca leaf might also help digestion due to its diuretic properties.

Rich in nutrients, coca leaves boast vitamins A, C, and E, along with minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. They even contain antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body. These vitamins can stabilize blood sugar, providing an invigorating effect. Additionally, coca leaf relaxes muscles, improves circulation, and eases breathing vital for those struggling in high altitudes.

Therefore, coca leaf is particularly beneficial for people suffering from altitude sickness. For this reason, some consume coca leaf as a dietary supplement to reap its nutritional rewards.

Also, studies suggest that every 100 grams of coca leaf contains nearly 20 grams of protein.

Furthermore, coca leaf increases blood pH, potentially combating gastric issues like indigestion and constipation, and even cold-related pain. It’s antibacterial and analgesic properties add to its benefits.

Remember, most Andean destinations sit above 2,500 meters, where altitude sickness symptoms can occur. This is where coca leaf shines, offering a multitude of benefits.

Connection and Spiritualism:

As you may already know, the coca leaf plays a fundamental role in many rituals and ceremonies in Andean cultures, when you consume the coca leaf you participate in a ritual act performed to establish communion with nature, your ancestors, and the cosmos, reflecting a belief in its spiritual powers to bring protection, wisdom, and a divine connection.

Symbolizing the profound relationship between you and the earth, the coca leaf grows at high altitudes and withstands adverse conditions, embodying the resilience and guardianship of the Andes. 

Elders often shared tales during this communal activity. Stories of gods, heroes, and ancient lands. Through these stories, they passed down wisdom and values.

The coca leaf has always been, and continues to be, a crucial element of Andean cultural heritage and spirituality. In essence, the culture, spirituality, and wisdom of native people are intertwined with the mysteries of the coca leaf. 

To appreciate these mysteries, one must approach them with respect, understanding, and a willingness to engage in intercultural dialogue. This immersion reveals the profound secrets of this sacred plant, highlighting its rich cultural and spiritual legacy.

Here’s an invitation for you: Join a Coca Leaves Ceremony or Divination.

In the first one, Masters Paqo Qero will select the most appropriate energy medicine techniques for you if needed. 

In the second one you can also experience a consultation or reading to answer your questions and provide clarity about any doubts or confusion in your life.

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