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Four Elements Meaning

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In our cosmovision, the four elements are fundamental and sacred.

Pachamama is composed by Hananpacha (the upper world) , Kaypacha (the world we know), and Ukupacha (the world beyond), as well as the convergence of the four elements: water, air, fire, and earth.

Element : Water / Yaku

The relationship between humans and water has shaped the level of cultural development throughout history. Today, the era of global warming, water not only continues to play a crucial role in people’s quality of life, but the entire world has been facing the problems of its scarcity for several decades.

The Quechua phrase “Yaku-Unu Mama,” also called “Mother Water”, appears to speak to us through stories, songs, and oral traditions. Yaku Mama has been identified by the Anaconda, along with frogs and snakes. It’s also represented by divinities as Illapa, the god rain.

In our communities, water is perceived as a living entity, a “person”, a woman (mother), who shares life in this world. She can listen to us, feel happiness, sadness, anger, bless us, and even punish.

Yaku-Unu Mama possesses the unique ability to give birth, which leads us to the concept of nurturing water. Water is not just an element or a resource, but is a being that accompanies humans from birth to death.

Element : Fire / Nina

Nina is one of the most essential elements to work with.

It represents our passion, our mobility towards the future while letting go of the past, our resilience, and our courage. It also represents our emotions.

The word “emotion” comes from the latin word “emovere,” which means “the impulse that induces action”. Fire represents our emotions in their most heightened state; therefore, it is an energy that requires a lot of control and responsibility.

We must be able to control these emotions to make better choices; we have to connect with our inner fire, and that’s how we connect with the external element.

The sun, Father Inti, is the representation of fire. His power can be both helpful and bring us joy, but it can also be problematic and destructive.

When we open our hearts to this energy, we can access limitless power.

It is powerful to bring families, friends and the community closer together as well as for strengthening one’s own energy, so that’s why we offer the Fire ceremony also separately.

Element : Earth / Jallpa

Pachamama, our Mother Earth, Mama Jallpa. Powerful mountains, very beautiful valleys, and lovely lands. She reminds us of the blessing of creation and her support.

Pachamama cleanses us from our heavy and dense energy. It is verified that just the contact with earth can significantly help us with harmful mental states. Pachamama will give you back your strength.

She also represents material possessions and abundance. You can thank her for all the good things in your life through Pachamama offerings, talking with her while sitting on the grass or touching a tree. You’ll find the response immediately in your heart.

You’ll feel free and lighter, a very effective and powerful connection.

Element : Wind / Wayra

Mama Wayra is a purifying element that balances thought and intellect.

Wayra represents the whisper of the Apu mountain spirits, who give us blessings and Kausay to all living beings.

Let the Apus fill your lungs as you inhale deeply. Breathing brings you to the present moment and clears your mind.

Many studies reveal that breathing and meditation are the best practices to build a happy life, make good decisions, serve as mental health prevention, and connect us with all living beings.

Wayra is represented by birds and their ability to travel between worlds, connecting us with Hannan Pacha.

In our ceremonies, Paqo Quero masters will also whistle and make sounds that emulate the wind. That’s how they call the Apu spirits and give the energy of clarity and higher vision to the participating sisters and brothers.

Please handle all these elements with respect and consciousness.

Here’s an invitation for you: Join a Four Elements Ceremony. Maestros from the Apaza family lineage kindly suggest to receive all the blessings from the most important ceremonies in one morning session to be in a healthy and balanced state. 

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