Alejandro Apaza
“We are one blood, there are no differences between us, we have to love each other. Sometimes we are afraid to learn, but remember our hearts are not going to change if we gain knowledge this is only going to change our mind.
Inca knowledge is based on sustainability and giving love. In modern times there is a lot of envy that feeds the fears in others, we have to come back together and be as strong as a TREE. We need to grow our branches and roots to be a positive being, bringing balance between this world, the underworld, and the upper world.
This is somenting about us and our mission, bring back the Pachacuti: The times of balance, healthy times of joy.”
“The school is a commitment I made in honor of my ancestors, we are following the values and traditions of Andean culture and respecting native beliefs. About us, my family and I offer the initiations and rites with our hearts and best intentions, with full permission of my father, my mother, and the Apasa Chumpi Paqo Family Lineage from the Qero Inca Nation.
Is time to pass on the wisdom and empower to the West to work together as brothers and sisters to help our Mother Earth. ”
– Alejandro Apasa
Paqo Qero Andean Shaman
Founder and Master of The Inca Medicine School

The shaman in you
Being a shaman is an act of faith in oneself.
Being a shaman is to be a dreamer, believe that there are more things beyond that which we see.
Being a shaman is to breathe every breath as if it were the first time.
Being a shaman is to believe that a new paradigm can be created
Many have called me a shaman, but I tell them that being a teacher is not only to help others, it is also the act of living and sharing what we are.
Today I want you to know that we are all shamans and we share a single time and space where one is the mirror of the other.
Paqo Qero Poem
Who we are?
We are a community of Paqos shamans that comes from Kiko community inside the Qero Nation, the last Inca town in Cusco: one of the most sacred places on planet earth, located in the high Peruvian Andes, from the lineage “Chumpi Paqo”.
About us and our work specializes in the chumpis stones healing technique, with the Chumpis Mesa, the power of healing with the sacred animals, and sacred spirits as Pleiades, Venus, Sun, Moon, among others; our aim is to build rebalance in Pachamama Mother Earth, following our main mission as Chakarunas guardians that contributes to the preservation and restoration of the cosmic balance.
Our family lineage has passed down their shamanic practices for hundreds of years per centuries from one generation to another, the family is blessed to have Altomesayoqs in the family tree, once in a while in between two or three generations. This special word about us “Altomesayoq” is a person who born with special habilities, that can see and speak with spirits of nature directly.
Another special word about us is “Paqo” that means “Master of the pachamama”, Apus sacred mountains, and other sacred spirits from nature, a Paqo honor and interact with the spirits that the Incas and ancestors before Incas time were communicating in order to keep the Cosmic Order. Being a master Paqo means to help the community with a natural philosophy of life-based in heart wisdom.
The ancestors of our lineage developed techniques and healing arts based on constant exchange with sacred Wakas sacred places in nature and the spiritual worlds. Now maestros Paqo have the important mission to maintain the balance between the 3 dimessions where we are (Hanan, Kay, and Ukju Pacha) and to share and teach humanity to live in balance, and consciousness. Read More
Based on our ancestors´ prophesies, they say about us that we are building the “Mastay ” the reintegration of the towns from the four cardinal points. We are now open and allowed to teach the Inca wisdom with respect and ethics.
The shamanic practices are for everybody, our current era is calling for a change, an awakening to live in acceptance, trust, compassion, reciprocity, and a relationship of unconditional love with the Universe. We would love for you know about us and join us in this life journey to open the door to The New Era.

In the school, we are following the instructions of the prophecies that our grandparents told about us, “One day the Eagle from the North will join to the Condor of the South and they will fly together”. We are preparing for this to happen by explaining the Inca rituals.
Then we will continue with the main principles of life, one of the most important of which is how to live a sacred, joyful life in balance with our home planet earth Pachamama.
Once we understand the position of humanity in the universe, and how the universe works, based in the Cosmic Order, then we will start with our personal healing or aligning with the sacred energies from this planet and from the Universe.
The purpose is to spread waves of positive change all around and about us and bring holistic healing for a collective future. Ancestral shamanic ceremonies focus on bringing and keeping the natural balance following the principles from the universe that are reflected in nature.
We are offering spiritual retreats where we will share the sacred places such as Inca temples, points of energy in the Sacred Valley, sacred mountains called « Apus » and Cusco, the center of the world for the Incas. We provide personal healing treatments and Spiritual journeys with Inca shamans from Peru.
The Qero Nation is a tribe of approximately 1500 people. In the past, the tribe was living in their communities in the Andean highlands at altitudes above 14,000 feet in order to escape the conquistadors. They lived in isolation from the rest of the world, until their “discovery” in 1949.
The Inca master Alejandro explains that his great grandparents told him in the time of the Spanish occupation, known as the “Virreinato,” that the Qeros lived for many centuries hiding from the Spanish in caves in the high mountains.
They stayed there to avoid having the Spanish impose their beliefs and punish them for their “magical” knowledge.
Today we have the privilege of teaching the wisdom of the masters through The Inca Medicine School – a healing association that was founded by Pampa Mesayoq Don Alejandro Apaza Machaca.
He is one of the last authentic Paqo masters from the Kiko community (at 4600 meters above sea level) in the Qero Nation and has the desire to share the knowledge of living in harmony with the cosmos.
Alejandro Apaza:
A living legend of the Inca Knowledge, he is native from Kiko, a community in Qeros Nation, and is 68 years old. He is known as the last greatest master, Chumpi Paqo, of his generation, and the oldest Qero healer who is able to transform the forces of energy, being a kind of alchemist.
He has about 50 years of experience as a Paqo (master) helping people from his community and now from other countries too. Alejandro comes from a family of healers, as his ancestors were also shamans and spiritual people.
When he was young, he traveled with his father, helping and healing people from different places in Southern Peru.
Before his father, Santos Apaza, passed away, he gave him the mission to maintain the healing knowledge of the lineage. Healing in this way is done through the “Chumpis,” a unique method that only this lineage possesses, based on the knowledge of energy nets and prayers with wisdom stones of alabaster and marble. This is a unique tradition that has been transmitted by the Apaza family for centuries.
In order to know more about his life and mission he graciously shares with us some important events in his life and information about his family tree:

Alejandro’s father Santos Apaza and mother Sebastiana Machaca were farmers and healers dedicated to helping their community with ceremonies for improving agriculture. The important events they participated in included weddings, solstices, harvests, ceremonies to heal sick members of the communities, practicing Inca medicine, and also protection rituals.
Alejandro’s calling started at he was 16 years old when he got very sick and his parents did the basic rituals for his recovery, but they didn’t work. When his father consulted the coca leaves oracle, he read that the earth and mountains wanted to connect with Alejandro and that he was ready to follow his path as a Paqo shaman.
The spiritual world chose him to start his learning process of becoming a Pampa mesayoq, and it was then that his father gave him his first initiation.
Here Don Alejandro explains his family line:
Santos Apaza – Pampa mesayoq
Efracio Apasa – Pampa mesayoq
Nicolas Apasa – Altum mesayoq
Simon Samata – Altum mesayoq
Guillermo Zarate – Altum mesayoq
Melchor Quispe – Altum mesayoq
Maria Quispe – Altum mesayoq

The father of Alejandro (Don Santos) was a very wise and giving Paqo shaman. He had the opportunity to be initiated not only by his father Efracio Apaza, but also by a very important Altum mesayoq named Manuel Quispe. The story says that when Manuel was close to death, he called Alejandro´s father and said:
“My spirit is leaving, Don Santos, take me and my spirit to Chuachua, I´m going to give you an initiation there.”

Don Santos (Don Alejandro´s father) was a man who lived a very peaceful and happy life. He wanted everybody around him be well, not only family members, but also their community and all beings of the universe.
The work he did was mostly coca divinations to give direction to the brothers and sisters from the community, healing and aligning the energies of people and also performing ceremonies of gratitude and harmony with the cosmos. Everybody in his community of Kiko remembers him for the touching ceremonies he used to do on the 23rd of June, known as Solstice eve.
Upon the mountain of Tiriomuntun, he gave a powerful offering and asked for protection for all the people and beings on the earth. In this ceremony, he invoked the Pleiades stars “Mama Qoto” (in the Quechua language); which is an important constellation that rules Mother Earth.
“There are so many things to learn,” says maestro Alejandro when he tells these stories.
Don Alejandro now has two sons and two daughters, who are also master Paqos, they have the mission to continue their father’s teachings including the history about us and now they are also powerful Paqo shamans that teach in The Inca Medicine School.

About Maria and Isabela (sisters of Don Alejandro):
Isabela is a medicine woman and also a Pampa Mesayoq Paqo Shaman in the town of Ocongate. Maria, his other sister, has a beautiful story of how she became an Altum Mesayoq, a higher position of Paqo Shamans. Altum Mesayoq is able to speak directly with the “Ruwal” the infinite spirit that creates and gives energy to all the Gods, Apus (sacred mountains), and other entities.
The Altum mesayoq are not common, and in the past, each generation would have only one or two in different Andean towns. People now say that Maria is one of the last Altum mesayoq alive.
In 2007 the peruvian government gave a recognition to the Qeros Nation, through a national resolution with the number 1582 – INC National Institute of Culture from Peru.
QERO CULTURE NATION IS A NATIONAL CULTURAL HERITAGE due is an ethnic cultural group of communities that is preserving their identity over time and enriches the cultural heritage of the nation.
Inca Masters Paqo Wisdom
The masters Paqos or Inca shamans are the holy men and women, healers, mediums, priests, medicine specialists, and wise people in charge of giving advice and orientation to the people who ask them.
Their mission is to bring balance in nature, humans sickness starts when the balance of our energies are out of order, shamans work is to bring balance in the physical, energetical and the soul body. Some of the other problems human we are nowadays having are the disconnection with our surroundings, our relationship with nature and the powerful elements around us that guide our behaviors and lives (sun, moon, winds, etc) has rapidly deteriorated in the past century.
To stop with this disconnection the shamans are now sharing with open arms and hearts, their philosophy of living in harmony with the universe, around the world. Read More

According to what is convenient they work with medicinal plants, energy transferences, soul retrievals, shamanic extractions, Karpay initiations are some of their usual tools.
In Andean shamanism is possible to transmute and canalize energy. Now everybody has the opportunity to participate and learn in the different activities they offer as healings, personalized healing, emotional healing, energy transmission ceremonies, soul retrieval, pilgrimages, and shamanic studies all based on the path of light.
There are two kinds of Paqo shamans:
Pampa mesayoq: They are healers that work with energies and sacred spirits from nature, they have different specializations as healers, teachers, ceremonies priests, some of them can also give initiations Karpays.
Altomesayoq / Altum mesayoq: They are those who are chosen by the Hanaq Pacha the spiritual holy world, being hit by lightning a surviving. They can communicate and work directly with the sacred entities of living energy as Mountains Apus, Lakes Mama Cocha, and other deities. There are only a few of them, is hard to find them, lately, we know that there are only 2 of them very old age, one is the sister of Alejandro, Maria Apaza.
Energetic Medicine
From the Paqo masters perspective, the issues in our lives that we want to fix, whether can be lack of energy and focus, anxiety, fears, relationship problems, or addiction, are all symptoms of imbalance created by energy loss, soul loss, and often a combination of them.
Energy loss and soul loss occur in reaction to some kind of trauma, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional, and are often characterized by loss of physical energy, lack of mental focus, lack of interest in life, and often by addictive patterns. Power retrieval and soul retrieval are the master’s tools for restoring balance.
By clearing the light body of interfering energetic systems and imprints from past trauma, and by restoring soul parts and reconnecting with our own innate wisdom, we can recover our access to our own source of power, our own light and our connection with the divine.

About The School
The Inca Medicine School is an association of Inca shamans from Peru, founded by Paqo shaman Alejandro Apasa who have around 50 years of experience in Inca shamanism, spiritual teachings from his Inca ancestors and cosmology, native from the last Inca community Qeros nation, the keepers and protectors of the Inca wisdom.
This is the dream of his ancestors and his family to have the opportunity to share and spread the seeds of light in these times, following the prophecies.
The teachers in the school are part of the Qeros Nation too, they and master Alejandro came together to organize, lead and grow the Inca Medicine school.
In the school, the Paqos Shamans will teach about Inca philosophy, Inca cosmovision, values to live in harmony and balance with the universe, emotional and spiritual intelligence, how to work with energies, Inca shamanic studies, workshops for healing for the students and practitioners, and if the call comes they will also offer initiations to become Inca priest Pampa mesayoq.
Important Elements:
Context: Paqo shamans explain that there are still sacred places on the earth as energy points that are helpful and enhance the ceremonies. Sacred sanctuaries “Wakas” these power places are an important part of our treatments, we will realize ceremonies there in these sacred temples included in our healing retreats and have the opportunity to meditate and interexchange energies with these beautiful places.
Tools: We will explain to you all the energetical and medicinal tools we use for you to understand how to use them too.

Family approach: On a very personal way and level the Paqo Shamans share part of their own lives as brothers and sisters in a very respectful friendly environment.
When you walk the path of a Pampamesayoq you will be in contact with yourself and with the light and purity that is within you. You can connect directly with the lineage of Paqos and this will help you to be in touch with Pachamama. In a deep way, Pachamama’s womb will open itself to you.
Ayni Donation: Following the Ayni principles of the circle of reciprocity: give and receive, The Apasa Family decided to offer the services with love and humbleness, accepting the basic amount that will cover, accommodation, the school expenses, materials, transportation, translators, and of course the basic donations for the Paqo shamans that will help them to hold their children.
Ayni means to give with love, a basic law that actually is known in modern science as the law of the cause and effect, every action have a reaction, every time you give (in Andean Inca perception) you will receive, as the Karma law explains, all the good actions will bring good karma. When you give with love, you will receive with love too.
All the members of the school family, gently ask you to read about us and look at our community projects that are in benefit to keep the ancestral knowledge of the Qero Nation, that is related to different aspects from the higher communities that are abandoned and don’t have a guidance in integration to the new technology era, and many of them are losing tradition and costumes.
The mission of the association is to help them to reassess and have a quality life to continue in their path of living in harmony with the holy nature.