The Prophecy of the Condor and the Eagle:
The unity of the tribes of the world
Paqo Qero share about the reintegration of the four cardinal points, this is the time where the Big Eagle from the North and the Big Condor of the south flight together again (a metaphor that refers to the Americas: North America and South America)
According to the ancient records, the prophecy, this third millennium will happen a big meeting between the people who are from the Eagle and the people who are from the Condor. Will be an Alliance of collaboration that will save humanity. The prophecy says that at the beginning of human life all human beings were one big group, that with the time divided into two groups.
Each group followed a different way of development. The eagle people was very intellectual and oriented to science. The Condor people was strongly intuitive and focus their life in harmonize with nature.
In this millennium The Eagle people develop a higher sense of esthetics and cognitive abilities. The capabilities for design and build will be amazing. Will reach the zenith in scientific knowledge and technology. That will bring amazing tools to expand minds.
These achievements will bring enormous material wealth for the leaders of the group. But their “Achilles heel“ will be in the spiritual emptiness that will trap them. Their existence will be in danger.
The Condor people, beings of the hearth, spirit, and senses, with a profound connection with the natural world, will develop intuitive abilities. Will reach a zenith in their ancestor’s wisdom.
Will know with clarity the cycles of the Earth and will be able to relate with the animal and plant kingdom spirits. Nevertheless, will not know how to develop satisfactorily in the material world from the Eagle who with will feel in disadvantage. That will be the biggest risk. The inability of interact with the material world will put in danger their existence.
According to the prophecy, is clear that western culture is the Eagle people, and the indigenous people of the world are the Condor People. The prophecy remember that both groups proceeds from the same common origin and should integrate their knowledge to grow mutually. If the Eagle and the condor comeback to fly again together wing to wing, the world will find the new balance.
Nor Eagles nor condors can survive alone. The alchemy of a mutual collaboration is needed it. From this reunion will emerge a new era of consciousness in the human being that will honor the Eagle people for the amazing achievements in the rational field. And honor to the Condor people for the deep hearth wisdom.
Together they will solve the world crisis of the world and will bring to life one sustainable future for all.
The prophecy says that at the beginning, the good of time creates the sun and the moon, and with them will born the Eagle and Condor, with that strength that the Eagle and Condor did that North America and South America join forming Central America. In these lands started the first nations, that went through many hard times, the worst the separation of the Nations in four directions.
After the separation, the prophecies came and are showing to the nations the paths for their liberation and unification.
One of these prophesies talks about the unity of the tears that come from the hearts of the Eagle and Condor, the wounds will heal and the spirits, bodies, and minds of the towns together will be fortified, The warriors (of light) repel the swords of the enemies and will give end to the oppression, exploitation, and injustice (vices of the third dimension) on the name of freedom.
“And will come the day when the Eagle and the Condor will fly together”. This was the message that our grandparents of the North and South left. Mandatory in these times.
“After many lives, I will return and I will be millions, I will not die, they only separate me from my body”. Like that our grandpa Ataw Allipak prophesied, the last Inca blood descendant. In the memory of us, the Andean condors are present the Incari or celebration of the announced return of the Inca the being of light.
The prophecies of our grandparents are coming true and we are called to do of these Gig Time announced will be of healing, peace, and reconciliation. The grandfather Lakota Wallace Blake Elk announce:
“The purification will come. The big mother cradled us in their arms and will draw our tears and the big father will walk between us, and the broken circles of the broken towns will form again”
If the Eagle of the North and the Condor of the South flight together, the earth is going to wake up. These beings of the air can’t be free unless that join and form the All in the knowledge, the understanding, and the spiritual things. The flight of the Eagle and Condor together is the path of peace, healing, and balance.
We need to offer to the Earth “Pachamama” our highest Ayni. As community or as individuals.
The holistic philosophy in the Andes is based on the importance of the interrelations and extends in the types of people and cultures. The Paqo shamans explain tree kinds of people:
Those who have the knowledge, known as Yachay (mind). Those who have love and feelings: Munay (hearth). And those who have the ability to manifest known as Llankay (work).
The European people usually have a big intellectual power of the Yachay. The North American people have the physical power and the willing of the action in the whole world more developed corresponding to the Llankay. And the natives from South American poses the biggest love represented by the Munay.
Nevertheless, according to the Andean philosophy, none of them are superior or complete indeed. All the qualities are complementary, only when the three work together will exist unified humanity. Is important to know that as outside these three values Yachay mind, Munay love, and Llankay work have to be activated inside of each of us.
Unbalance inside of the individuals, inside of the separated cultures and inside the relationship between humans, all have to be corrected.
The ancient concept of relationships has a lot to offer to our modern world. These underline the work that all we have to do together in cooperation and join our strong or weak hands as individuals and collective in the spirit of reciprocity and interexchange. Only through reciprocity “Ayni” we will be able to be complete as individuals and humans.
Sources: Americo Yabar – Poet and teacher, Judith Bluestones “The return of the children of light”.