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Online Workshops

Our Workshops are available online, we give them by video call directly with the Apaza family Paqos

Here find a list of all the workshops we offer online

The Paqo Pampamesayoq Path Online

(For brothers and sisters who want to be an Inca/Ñusta healer)

This education includes three part series of training to become a healer, an Inca Paqo or Ñusta Paqo (female Paqo) in the Inca way. This program is divided in three: The basic workshops of Module I + the advanced workshop of Module II + the final workshops of Module III.

Each workshop comes with an Initiation that in quechua means Karpay they are “openings, awakenings and blessings” to open and receive in your body the sacred abilities to communicate and work with the spiritual world.

For our ancestors, the base to become an Inca Paqo or Ñusta Paqo Pampamesayoq was the awakening of 3 centers of wisdom in our bodies, the Munay (heart for unconditional love), Yachay (belly area for cosmic wisdom), and Llankay (the upper head channel that connects with the Upper world Hanan Pacha).

(For more details please contact us by mail incamedicineschool@gmail.com)

  1.  Module I: Is a group of 6 workshops that are part of the teachings of how to become a Paqo Pampamesayoq or a Medicine Woman, teachings that are included in our main Module I, masters Paqo Qero offer this option to help members that can not come to Peru but want to start their energy work practices.
  2. Module II: Is a group of 5 workshops that are part of the teachings included in our Module II, masters will teach about the “Ñawis” or also know as chakras in the Western world,  about the Chaka Rainbow Bridge of seven paths for doing distance healings a tradition from the Apaza family. 
  3.  Module III: A group of 5 workshops included in Module III, where maestros will teach how you can do the Coca Leaf Divination, you will learn about the 3rd Initiation of the Will or Strenght and about the Final Initiation to be an Inca Paqo or Ñusta Paqo, and you will have the opportunity to have the guidance of maestros to practice the ceremonies you learned and solve all your questions. For more info Click Here

The benefits of the openness of these workshops are that you can connect with masters from wherever where you are and become an Inca or Ñusta healer directly from the main members authentic Paqos, they are giving he initiations by distance with amazing results, or you can receive the initiations in person if you can come to Peru or if we have the opportunity to meet in your area.

Please check our calendar events for that Click Here.

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The Sacred Elements Workshop 

(Open to everybody)

It’s a group of 3 Sessions that gives the opportunity to learn about the powerful energies of the Sacred Elements, the importance of the influence of these energetical beings, Maestros Paqo will teach about the Moon, the Sun, the Wind, the Rainbow, Pleiades, and Sacred animals, why they are so important for our ancestors and how to do offerings or meditations to connect with them.

  1. Sun and Moon workshop: A class where the master will explain the ceremony to these feminine and masculine deities.
  2. Rainbow and Pleiades workshop: Is a workshop where you will learn the secrets inside the Arcoiris Kuichi, and special dates, and how to connect with the Pleiades Stars
  3. Sacred Animals workshop: What is the meaning of the sacred animals and how to connect with them.

Each sesión is one hour per week, we will coordinate with you the date and time.

For more info Click Here

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The Three Worlds Workshops

(Open to everybody)

 It’s a group of 3 Sessions where we will explain about the worlds (Pachas) and how to connect with them, from Hanan Pacha we will share about the Sun, Moon, and Pleiades. From Kay Pacha we will share about the duality between Apus sacred mountains (male) and Pacarinas sacred lakes (female). And from Ukju Pacha we will explain about Mama Sirena and Inca Huascar.

  • Session one we will explain about the Hanan Pacha (Sun, Moon, and stars)
  • Session two we will explain about the Kay Pacha (mountains and lakes)
  • Session three we will explain about the Ukju Pacha (The underworld and their spirits)

Each sesión is one hour per week, we will coordinate with you the date and time.

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The Paqo Path Revision Workshops

(Open to Paqos or students that already had initiations)

A group of 4 workshops that are designed for people who already studied the Inca Paqo Path or are an energy medicine practitioner or had received ancient rites or Initiations, who have been away from the practice for months or years and need a quick refresher before coming back to the practice again. (Mesa info, Cleansing, 4 directions, and Despacho offering)

  • Session one we will explain about the kintu (Little offering) and how to find and select the stones for your mesa, what is the meaning of each Stone.
  • Session two we will explain the 4 directions, their spirits, sacred animals, how to find the sacred places in your área, and how to connect and call them.
  • Session three we will explain the cleansing techniques with stones, plants, and the respective prayer.
  • Session four we will explain about the Haihuaricuy or offering ls called despacho, how to do it, explanations of the materials, and steps to do it in the proper way.

Each sesión is one hour per week, we will coordinate with you the date and time.

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The Chumpi Mesa Healing Technique

(Open to everybody)

The founder Don Alejandro is the last great master Chumpi Paqo, he is offering this workshop in person by video call online. He will teach how to use the chumpi set, open the Ñahuis that are points of energy inside our body, how to bless and protect with chumpis.

The materials in this workshop are the full set of chumpis stones and sacred clothe that will become your CHUMPI MESA (the most important shamanic tool for you to being able to heal).

A Chumpi Karpay initiation is required to actívate the connection between you and the chumpis. The initiation is a ritual or special ceremony where the master, giving an offering, will awake the ability to work with the stones chumpis and to ask the most important sacred spirits of nature to give you the blessing o heal others with your Chumpi Mesa.

The date of the initiation we will coordinate with you, we will give you instructions on how to get prepared. If you already had the workshop or you know how to heal with chumpis in the past you can do only the initiation.

The workshop is two hours, we will do one hour per week, we will coordinate with you the date and time.

For more info Click Here

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The Ñustas Healing Technique

(Open to everybody)

Ñustas are beautiful female sacred spirits with lots of ancient cosmic wisdom that work through the rainbow to send the healing and light energies to the patient using the Rainbow Ribbens. We will show you how to open and use each path of the rainbow to send the Ñustas energies of healing.

A Ñustas Karpay initiation is required to activate the connection between you and the Ñustas. The date of the initiation we will coordinate with you, we will give you instructions on how to get prepared.

The workshop is two hours, we will do one hour per week, we will coordinate with you the date and time.

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The Qoto or Pleiades Healing Technique

(Open to everybody)

Learn how to heal with the energies of Qoto Pleiades that the Apaza family lineage is opening. Communicate with the stars and angels from the powerful Pleiades.

A Qoto Karpay initiation is required to actívate the connection between you and the Qoto Pleiades. The date of the initiation we will coordinate with you, we will give you instructions on how to get prepared.

The workshop is one hour, we will coordinate with you the date and time.

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The Sacred Weaving Workshops

(Open to everybody)

It’s a beautiful workshop with maestra Ñusta Paqo Doña Marquesa Apaza (successor of Doña Maria Apaza Altomesayoq) where she will teach you the meaning of symbols and patterns in sacred textiles and how to make an Inti Huatana (sacred cord to tie your mesa).

The workshop is two hours, we will do one hour per week, we will coordinate with you the date and time.

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Ancestors Machulas Workshop

(Open to everybody)

How to honor our ancestors and how to clean the heavy energies from our ancestral line.

The workshop is one hour, we will coordinate with you the date and time

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Sacred Music Workshop

(Open to everybody)

Masters will share how they play sacred instruments, how to connect with the sacred spirits with their instruments, as flute, drums and will teach a beautiful song.

The workshop is one hour, we will coordinate with you the date and time

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Flowering Bath Ceremony Workshop

(Open to everybody)

We share the benefits, how to prepare the bath, and when is the right time to do it

The workshop is one hour, we will coordinate with you the date and time

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Fire Ceremony Workshop

(Open to everybody)

One hour class where we will explain the importance of the fire element, how to do the fire ceremony, and a beautiful native song to Pachamama and sacred elements.

The workshop is one hour, we will coordinate with you the date and time

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How does it work?

The classes will be around one hour and a half approximately, we will coordinate time and dates with all the participants and schedule time according to your needs. The workshop starts every first week of each month and will be transmitted by video calls in an online platform that we will coordinate so you can connect with us.


Other courses online are only guided by recently Paqo practitioners, in our online classes, you will have the opportunity to be guided by an authentic Paqo shaman original from Qero Nation member of the family lineage Apaza, teaching you in the company of a spiritual guide translator.

Learn  first hand from authentic Paqo Masters of the Apaza Family Lineage