Many shudder at the sight of the serpent. It is an enigmatic creature, remaining oblivious to the profound meanings and spiritual symbolism it embodies.
The Serpent in Andean Cosmovision and Mythology
It held a sacred role, offering profound insights into life’s cycles, the interconnectedness of all existence, and the timeless essence of the cosmos.
Chavín de Huántar
Considered the mother culture of the last millennia, settled in the highlands of Peru. The influence of this great culture even touched the shores of the sacred Lake Titicaca, greeting the great Wiracocha.
The culture of Tiahuanaco preserved this evolutionary line and scattered its seeds to the valleys of Cusco. With the Incas, it maintained “the silence in its voice,” a voice that emerges and flows eternally through the centuries.
The quintessential symbol or power animal used by the Chavín people was the Amaru, or serpent. The serpent was an important part of their culture, and in their art, we find this serpentine symbol manifested in their ceramics, lithic work, and other iconographic arts.
The people of Chavín essentially worked with their roots; they learned that inside the Pachamama there existed an underground force driven by the great Amaru. They knew that one day, this Amaru would spread its wings of freedom to ascend in a wavy and spiral movement toward the house of Amaru Tupac.
The serpent represents the first evolutionary stage of humanity. It is the fiery force that rises slowly from the coccyx along the spine until it reaches our crown center, the place of ecstasy and higher consciousness. The people of Chavín also understood the movement of the feline and its metamorphosis. The feline would one day reach the highest peaks of the Apus, from where it would greet the Sacred Bird of the Sun with wings of light.
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- Merejildo, J.A (1997). The awakening of the puma. An initiatory path. Astronomical evidence in the Andes. Chaski. Cusco, Perú.