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The Duality

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Duality is a primordial knowledge, which showing a level of synchronicity many cultures have affirmed.

From the Indo-Iranian cultures, developed in ancient Persia, then spread by Greece. Where Pythagoras developed his numerical duality (Preciado,2018).

In the Asian continent the already famous Tao with its ying-yang that refers to the sunny and dark sides of the mountain.

Islam in its sacred book the Koran indicates “we have created everything in pairs” (Preciado,2018).

To refer to this duality, the Andean man uses the term Yanantin, which comes from the linguistic root Yana. This root indicates complementarity, opposition, dependence and interdependence (Depaz,2015). And the ending “ntin” is that accompanies its sister part (Núñez del Prado,2007).

In the Andean communities they call Yanantin to the male-female couples sentimentally united (Núñez del Prado,2007), giving mutual accompaniment and support, the term also refers to the permanent care within the coexistence.

Another important aspect that denotes the Andean values is that of Yanapay that is the cooperation and help for the questions of life, as well as the healing.

Although this refers mainly to social issues and human relations, it goes beyond, to the very existence as Depaz (2015) indicates, to exist is to cooperate, the full actions are in cooperation and the world is sustained in this way, so cooperation unites us with each other and are essential for community life, at the same time this becomes a macro level, with the whole cosmos and all beings.

Author: Joan De la colina Roman


  • Depaz Toledo,Zenon(2015) La cosmo-vision andina en el manuscrito de Huarochiri
  • Preciado Idoeta, Iñaki,(2018) La ruta del silencio: Viaje por los libros del Tao
  • Núñez del Prado Béjar Daisy (2007) , Yanantin y Masintin: la cosmovision andina
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