The quechua Word “Ayni” means to share, to give and receive.
It’s the law of reciprocity, a millenial concept rooted in the historical memory of Andean thought.
Ayni is a living system of reciprocity,nota only among human beings and nature but among all beings in the cosmos.
Reciprocity is a core element of communal ethical behavior and a cultural law that served as the foundation for balance in Andean societies. This ethic, rooted in a balanced cosmos (harmony), requieres reciprocity, which manifests in various ways in the daily lives of the “Runa” (Andean people).
There is economic reciprocity in work and trade between communitites and families, mutual help, and also with Pachamama (Mother Earth) and Apus ( sacred mountains and places). It represents an interrelationship between the divine and humanity.
When Andean Paqos share a cermony, acting as intermediaries, they are celebrating and perpetuating the cosmic order and teaching values through symbols and representations of the ethics we must honor and keep alive.
When Maestros Paqos share in ceremonies, we hear the words of their ancestors, bringing to life the times when nature and humans had a natural understanding of Unity.
If you are interested in Ayni, look up to our Mother Earth Pachamama Offering. It is a beautiful opportunity to give thanks for all what we have, honor the Apu mountain Gods, the mother earth Pachamama and the universal cosmos.